Melbourne Forecast to out grow Sydney

¢ Melbourne Forecast to outgrow Sydney (AFR)  

-         Within the next 30 years Melbourne is forecast to have a larger population than Sydney as housing supply and migration flows in Victoria are stronger.

-         It is estimated the NSW government will fall short of their target 245,500 homes between 2004 and 2013 by providing only 160,000 – 180,000 homes

-         Victoria is building new homes at twice the rate of NSW.

-         In the 5 years to June 30, 2010 NSW dwelling supply averaged 21,200 p.a., the poorest 5 year period ever recorded. The undersupply will continue unless dwelling starts commence and remain above 50,000 dwellings p.a.

-         The undersupply of housing in NSW is expected to increase rent and house prices over the next 5 years.

-         The median house price in Sydney is forecast to increase by 6.3% p.a. until 2014.

Important Fact - this study was commissioned by a consortium of developers in Sydney who can use this report to put pressure on the NSW Government to release more land and increase housing density. So the findings should be assessed in the context that they were derived.