Once Approved

Congratulations…if you have been approved you will be notified by our office and an appointment will be made for you to come in and sign the Residential Tenancy Agreement. 

All persons who will be on the Residential Tenancy Agreement must sign the Agreement in person.

Please note that keys will only be given to those persons who are on the Residential Tenancy Agreement. Any extra keys required will need to be paid for by the Tenants.

You MUST provide the following payments when signing the Lease Agreement 

      button.png  Payment 1      

Rent in advance                         $ (Refer Agent for the amount)


less Reservation Holding Fee     $ (if applicable)                    

TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE            $ _________

Payment MUST be made by Bank Cheque or Australia Post Money Order only payable to: 

Strategic Property Management Services Trust Account.  

Cash is NOT accepted under any circumstances.


button.png  Payment 2        

            Rental Bond                                 (4 weeks rent)

Bank Cheque or Australia Post Money Order only, made payable to the Rental Bond Board.

Cash is NOT accepted under any circumstances.