We have added the Annual Income and Expense Report to the list of reports that you can access online via your Landlord account.
What does this mean for you
1- You can view the reports from anywhere that has access to the internet, when you’re at your accountants office or from the convenience of your home.
2- No more searching for the reports or loosing them when you most need them
3- Say goodbye to filling
4- No fear of prying eyes coming across your personal financial information
5- Better for the trees
6- Saves you having to call us up to replace a lost report
Will it cost you anything
No, it is a FREE service that we provide which is part of the Stratvest System of property management.
When can I view the report
The Annual Income & Expenditure Report for the current financial year is available from 1 July of that year. The previous year is also available.
Are the reports secure
Yes, the web site is SSL compliant and protected by a unique user name and password to access your personal and financial information.
How do I get my user name and password
First you will need your client Reference Code which is your default user name. This is found at the top right hand side of your monthly landlord statement below the date.
Now that you have this you will need your password. To obtain the password go to the login page by clicking here then click on the link titled Find My User Name or Password and follow the instructions under Find My Password. The password will be sent to the email address which is recorded in our database.
How do I access the Reports
Now that you have your user name and password, click here to login to view your Annual Income and Expense Reports and Monthly Statements.
Just follow the 5 steps shown below:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Of course, if you have any concerns then please email me...click here