What is Property eReport
The Property eReport is an on-line web based facility that has been developed by us to provide you with instant access to detailed and up to date information about your property and the tenant.
Some of the vast array of information available for viewing includes:
n the last tenant payment and where their paid from and to
n the last and next scheduled inspection dates
n the last and next rent review and rent increase
n any outstanding invoices, the amount and age
n lease details and bond details
n and much much more...
Who can use it
It was developed for use by our Landlords. This web based information system is unique and exclusive to the Stratvest System™.
How do I use it or want to view a sample
All you need is access to the internet. You can even use a mobile phone with internet access. We have even prepared an easy to follow guide which explains what it all means.
If you're not yet a client, you can still view this guide to see what you are missing out on, so long as you have registered as a public user and are logged in
8...Click here for the user guide
How do you benefit
The benefits are wide ranging and vary between users. Some of the many benefits include:
v Making informed decisions – having access to information at hand will enable you to make decisions based on relevant and current information.
v Staying informed – you have access 24/7 from any where in the world that has access to the internet
v Agent transparency – having access to wide ranging information like tenant arrears, property inspection dates, rent review dates etc you are able to check up on the agent performance
v Identifying problems before they get out of hand – if problems appear to be emerging like the tenant is falling in arrears with the rent you will be able to identify it early and take action to minimise the impact on your cash flow.
v You control access to information – you no longer need to take valuable time out of your busy day to contact the agent or wait for the agent to get back to you. You now have the information at your finger tips when you want it.
Is the information secure
Absolutely. Access is password restricted and authorised users can only be registered by Stratvest. The registered users have access only to their property information. For added security, the web site has been designed so that it does not have direct access to the property management operating server. This eliminates the risk from hackers and unauthorised intruders.
How much does it cost
Even though it cost us tens of thousands of dollars, it is provided FREE to our Landlords.
Staying ahead of the competition
By actively researching, developing and improving the way we do things you and your investment property will always be ahead of the competition. This provides both you and us with a market edge over the rest of the market.