Hi, my name is Ricardo Saad and I'm the managing director and founder of Strategic Property management Services, and over the past 10 years I’ve helped manage thousands of homes for investment property owners all over Sydney. And I’ve been shocked by the sort of sloppy service going on in the real estate industry today. It’s simply unacceptable... and it makes me sick to my stomach. Unfortunately most owners treat their property managers like the big Banks, not happy with the service and feel that they're being taken for a ride but do nothing about it...better the devil that you know..! Often it is because property investors do not know how to asses their property managers and do not know that there is a better alternative.
Take This Simple Quiz To Evaluate Whether Your Real Estate Agency
Is Doing Everything They Can To Help You Save Money,
Avoid ‘Bad-Egg’ Tenants, Protect Yourself And Your Property,
Improve Cash Flow And Maximise Your Return On Investment...
Question # 1: Has your real estate agent increased the rental price of your property on average every 12 months [ ] Yes or [ ] No
Did you know that many properties around Sydney should have received rent increases of $25 per week on average at least every 12 months for the past 3 years. That’s an extra $3,900 per year that you’d now be earning. So if the rent you're receiving hasn’t increased over that period or even in the last 12 months, then your property is probably being under rented and you’re missing out on thousands of dollars.
Don't Let This Happen to you...trial the Stratvest System of Better Property Management For Free without obligation, click here and fill in the form.
Question # 2: Does Your Real Estate Agent perform market rent reviews every 6 months for properties not on a lease? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Did you know that the rental market across Sydney does not move up or down at the same time or by the same amount. One size does NOT fit all. Even pockets within suburbs and the property type will experience variations. That is why your property should be reviewed each 6 months so that when it IS experiencing high demand and strong rental growth a fair rent increase can be obtained. What about if the market rent has fallen for properties such as yours? By reviewing the market regularly you don’t risk loosing a good tenant by unrealistically expecting the tenant to pay an above market rent increase which may be justified in other areas or 6 monhs earlier.
Don’t You Deserve Something Better...Trial The Stratvest System of Better Property Management for FREE without obligation, simply click here and fill out the form.
Question # 3: Does Your Real Estate Agent perform Lease Reviews at least 3 months prior to the expiration of the lease? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Did you know that a rent increase notices must be issued to your tenant a minimum of 60 days before any rent increase takes effect? Is your Agent performing a rent review and increasing the rent prior to 60 days of the lease expiring. If not you could be missing out on higher rent.
Did you know that the tenant can vacate the property at the end of the lease term by issuing only 14 days notice or 21 days after the lease expiries? Does your Agent commence negotiations months prior to the lease expiring to avoid being in a vulnerable position. If not they could be jeopardizing higher rent or result in a longer vacancy period if the tenant suddenly vacates.
Don’t You Deserve Something Better...Trial The Stratvest System of Better Property Management for FREE without obligation, simply click here and fill out the form.
Question # 4: Does Your Real Estate Agent perform property inspections 3 months after the tenant moves in and then twice per year and provide you with a comprehensive report [ ] Yes [ ] No
How do you know that your property isn’t being neglected and/or that there are more people living in the troperty than was approved or that a pet dog is running a muck in side the property? We can’t guarantee that this won’t happen but by performing regular inspection we are better able to identify and address any issues before they become a problem.
What about the property maintenance? Is your property being neglected and allowed to deteriorate? Are the gutters filled with leaves which will cause them to rust and allow water to overflow into the ceiling? Are the timber window frames deteriorating because they are in need of painting? By regularly inspecting the property these things can be addressed and rectified cost effectively before that become expensive problems unnecessarily costing you thousands of dollars.
Don’t Let This Happen To You, Trial The Stratvest System of Better Property Management For Free without obligation, simply click here and fill out the form.
Question # 5: Has Your Real Estate Agent Told You How To Avoid The Risks Associated With Tenants Defaulting On Their Rent, How To Avoid Damage To Your Property, Or How To Avoid Being Sued If Your Tenant Or Tradesman Injures Themselves? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Would you like to know how to eliminate almost all your concerns about owning a rental property, problems like tenants defaulting on their rent or tenants damaging your property?
How about tenants or a tradesperson injuring themselves on your property and deciding to sue you? What if you could do all this for around $320 a year as a result of landlord protection insurance? But be warned not all policies are the same. If you knew which policies to avoid, wouldn’t that give you peace of mind and allow you to sleep easy at night?
Have you been informed on how to minimise your risks by using the right landlord protection insurance?
If not don't worry you can trial the Stratvest System of Better Property Management For Free without obligation, simply click here and fill out the form.
Question # 6: Has your real estate agent told you how many properties each member of their property management team looks after? [ ] Yes [ ] No
How many properties can a single property manager provide a quality service to? A ratio of 1 staff member to 140 properties is widely known in the industry as a comfortable figure, however there are many agencies that have in excess of 200 properties per staff member, making it virtually impossible for them to do their job properly. The first things they get behind on is routine inspections and rent reviews which should be conducted at least every 26 weeks. This leaves you at risk of tenants doing significant damage to your property and missing out on valuable rent increases which means that you can be out of pocket by thousands of dollars each year..
When was the last time your agency conducted a routine inspection on your investment property?
Not sure? Don't worry, you can trial the Stratvest System of Better Property Management For Free without obligation, simply click here and fill out the form.
Question # 7: Does Your Real Estate Agent Give You A Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee ? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If your agent was confident of delivering on what they promised, or sure of doing a good job of managing your investment property wouldn’t it be easy for them to offer you a satisfaction guarantee? Most likely they don’t because they are worried that they will most likely over promise and under deliver.
You have made a substantial commitment by entrusting your real estate agent to correctly manage your property usually based on what they’ve promised. Shouldn’t they be held accountable if they don’t deliver? TALK IS CHEAP..!
If you want a property manager to put their money where their mouth is then trial the Stratvest System of Better Property Management For Free without obligation, simply click here and fill out the form.
Question # 8: Has your real estate agent shown you what checks they do on tenants to ensure you don’t end up with a ‘bad egg’? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Taking time to properly evaluate a tenant for your property is critical to the success of the tenancy. Does your property manager do their due diligence before handing over a lease to a new tenant? For instance, do they:
n Check out tenancy information databases (a log of people who have been bad tenants right across Australia)?
n Conduct a detailed Affordability Analysis of the tenants income and expenses similar to that used by banks for mortgage application, to determine if they can afford the rent?
n Get payslips and check bank account records to verify their income?
n Get a reference from their previous rental manager?
n Collect 100 points of ID?
n Include extensive Special Conditions I the lease agreement to protect you and your property?
n Conduct a 30 minute interview with them prior to signing the lease?
Some property managers just can't be bothered, but not us, trial the Stratvest System of Better Property Management for FREE without obligation, simply click here and fill out the form.
Question # 9: Has Your Real Estate Agent Shown You When To Rent Out Your Property In Order To Maximise Your Rental Returns And Find Someone Fast? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Did you know the level of rental enquiry for properties is lower and higher at certain times of the year?
For instance, there is a higher demand for rental properties in months such as January / February for the Hills district to coincide with the start of schooling and corporate transfers mostly take place and slow periods being December and June/July.
Around universities February/March is strong for students commencing the new year but very weak around November/December when they finish the final term and head back home or go on extended holidays.
Has your real estate agent told you that with a little negotiation you can achieve a premium rent by organising the lease on your property to only expire during the busy periods of the year? Do they even know the different high demand months when you should be looking to lease your property? What about the low demand month which should be avoided if possible?
I bet your property manager wouldn't have a clue, but don't blame them, instead trial the Stratvest System of Bette Property Management Service for FREE without obligation, simply click here and fill out the form.
Question # 10: Does Your Real Estate Agent Provide You With On-Line Internet Access So That You Can Review The Status Of Your Property? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Did you know that a survey was conducted amongst a group of Estate Agents asking if they would implement an online system that would give property owners access to their properties financial and management information. A staggering 95% said NO and the main reason being that it would expose their flaws and poor service.
We believe in full transparency and are proud to have developed our own internet web based system which provides this services to you 24/7 where ever you may be in the world.
So if you want a fully transparent agent that provides you with online access instead of being left in the dark, then trial the Stratvest System of Better Property Management for FREE without obligation, by simply clicking here and fill out the form.
If you answered yes to 9 or 10 questions, then stay where you are. Your property manager is doing a pretty good job and you should stick with them as they are one of the rare few professionals in this industry. In fact, we'd love to know who they are as it is rare to find like minded property managers who can actually deliver on what they promise. So please send us an e-mail with their details.
However, if you answered no to two or more questions, then please don’t get angry at your real estate agent. They are very likely doing the best job they can. Just like a GP medical doctor cannot perform heart or brain surgery... just like a general mechanic cannot fix high end European cars like someone who focuses only on those cars... a real estate agency with a property management component cannot understand the property management industry like a company that ONLY does property management.
And that’s what we do. In fact, I believe in the quality of our service so much that I’ve convinced my business colleagues to allow me to offer 50 lucky property investors the chance to have their property managed for FREE for 3 months and give them a FREE subscription to Australian Property Investor Magazine. No that’s not a misprint.
So Why Am I Offering 50 Lucky Property Investors the chance to have their property managed for free for the three months.
It’s really quite simple. I’ve looked at our figures and realised that all the clients who use our service stay with us forever and 97.6% of our clients say they would happily refer our services to their friends and relatives (based on a recent survey).
So I’ve bet my team that of the 50 people who try out our service, we’ll get a high percentage staying with us and receive loads of new referrals. After all, there’s virtually nobody else out there who specialises in property management like we do.
And even after the trial period is up, we're backing up our service with the following guarantee...
We are serious about our commitment to provide the best property management service to Sydney property owners. To make sure this commitment is not just lip service, we offer the following service guarantee to all of our owners as a measure of accountability.
If, as one of our clients, you are in any way dissatisfied with the service we are providing or feel as though we have not lived up to your expectation in terms of the service we have provided in the management of your property, then we will gladly continue the management of your property for the month absolutely free of charge.
I figure that rather than spending tens of thousands of dollars on an advertising campaign, it would be worth testing this somewhat crazy strategy to build our business by attracting new clients and word of mouth referrals.
After all, in my opinion, you can’t possibly know just how much our service can mean to you until you put us to the test. And I don’t think you should have to decide anything until you first experience for yourself just what a difference it will make. So, I want you to let me take the risk for a change.
That’s right!
Everybody else says, “Use our company. We are the best. Give us your money.” I’m saying, do the opposite. Let me allow you to evaluate our service before you invest a cent. Fair enough?
By the way, I understand you may be sceptical. After all, you’ve probably received disappointing service from a handful of real estate agents or property rental agencies in the past. Personally, I’m extremely sceptical of just about every offer that comes across my table.
That’s why I’m being so generous, to prove to you that we are a very stable, highly respected company who can deliver on their promises... before you invest a cent.
So say “YES” to my invitation, and fill in the form at the top of this page right now (click here to get to the form) to get your free trial. Thanks for reading this very long, but I think very informative letter.
I hope I’ve helped you in some small way.
Ricardo Saad
P.S. If someone told you there was a FREE subscription to Australian Property Investor Magazine in your letterbox – and that he’d find it for you, FREE...
... would you let him?
Well, that’s exactly what I’m asking of you.
I say that I can guide you to thousands of dollars in additional funds that’s hidden right beneath your nose, through showing you the inside secrets to tax savings... rent rises... rental market peaks and much, much more, all as a result of having your property managed properly.
If I’m right, you’ll be better off, and we’ll have a client for life. If I’m wrong and during the trial period you don’t like our service, simply cancel and you won’t pay us a cent in management fees. And you get your FREE subscription to Australian Property Investor Magazine.
P.P.S. And remember: changing from your current managing agent is really simple, costs nothing and is completely organised by us. You don’t even have to call your current manager. Simply fill in the form at the top of the page.
P.P.P.S. I urge you not to procrastinate. My business colleagues are only allowing me to make this offer to the first 50 people who fill in the form as part of a marketing test. To start your FREE trial of our service click here and fill in the form.I