Rent Calculator

iStock_000004464600XSmall-reduced2.jpgWelcome to a unique and hassle free way of finding what your property should rent for.

In just 3 quick and easy steps you will get a general idea of the rental value.

This service is provided Free and is designed to help you determine:

arrow-orange1.jpg  what should your property rent for?

arrow-orange1.jpg  are you getting a fair deal?

arrow-orange1.jpg  what rent can you expect when buying?

arrow-orange1.jpg  which areas perform better?

arrow-orange1.jpg  should you increase the rent?

arrow-orange1.jpg  is your property manager achieving the best rent for you?

This feature is exclusive to Strategic Property Management and uses the stratvest system™ assessment criteria to determine the rental range for a property.

To keep it as simple as possible we have limited the assessment criteria to 15 questions which will provide a fair and reasonable rental value range.

But if a more accurate assessment is needed then a Rent Analysis Report is required.

If you can't see anything on the right then you need to log in.

If you're a first time user and have't registered yet then click on Want to Register on the left of the screen in the login box. It's quick and easy and no sensitive personal information is required.

Why do we require you to register? To prevent this FREE facility from being abused.